September 13 - 14, 2024|Toronto
Questions? Call: 1-800-970-4355

Workshop Details

Fri., Sep. 13, 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM EDT

Five Profitable and Underfollowed Stocks to BUY Today & the New Way to Build a 15-25 Stock Portfolio

KeyStone's founder, Ryan Irvine, will present five unique, profitable, and underfollowed growth stocks from KeyStone's research that investors can buy today. Included are KeyStone’s top cash-rich gold-related stock, top cash-rich software stock, top digital bank, cash-rich gig-economy fintech, and more. His presentation will show you how adding just two to three great stocks to your portfolio, in your lifetime, can dramatically impact your wealth. He will also reveal how traditional Big Bank portfolio building is killing your return potential and the simple changes you can make to build a winning stock portfolio consisting of 15-25 growth and dividend growth stocks. Finally, Mr. Irvine will profile the type of stocks that KeyStone's analyst team discovers for clients on an annual basis with real examples of past winners including the best-performing stock on the TSX over the past 2, 3, and 5 years, Hammond Power (HPS.A: TSX), up over 23,000%, and Boyd Group (BYD: TSX), the best-performing stock in Canada over the past decade, up over 11,800%.  

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Ryan Irvine
President and CEO
KeyStone Financial